it's great to
meet you!



MBCE (Master of blood Chemistry)

registered nutrition coach - national academy of sports medicine

Through connecting with others in the health & wellness world and doing my own research, I discovered the Nutritional Therapy Association. Following graduation, I continued my education by becoming qualified in functional lab testing. This was by far one of the best decisions of my life. What I learned and now apply to my own health and those of my clients is truly life-changing.

I am 25 and consider myself to be a chill, down to earth person who likes to keep things real. The two things I always ask of my clients are: 1) be authentic, & 2) believe that you can experience healing!

All the love,

Hi Everyone!

I'm so excited that you are here! And chances are if you're on this website, then like me, you are interested in functional health. Well you've come to the right place! Because when it comes to finding the root cause for health concerns I am a total geek... consuming blogs and podcasts and books on anything and everything health related.

All of us are on a health journey. For me, this journey began with being prescribed birth control for my skin issues. Within the first week I noticed a huge shift in my emotional health. The changes scared me and I began to do some digging. It was here I discovered the idea of a 'root cause' approach to health, rather than the 'band-aid approach' I had been taught my whole life.