My goal and passion is to help others achieve optimal health. Today it has become common practice to simply hide symptoms or "normalize" them. But what I believe and have seen to be true; there's a reason behind each symptom. Root cause healing is a necessary approach to achieve optimal health for anyone. 

helping others attain optimal health
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together, we work on getting to the root cause of your health concerns through functional lab testing, education, personalized protocols and coaching along the way...  

After becoming a qualified nutritionist in 2020, I was left with more questions than answers and was underwhelmed with the results I experienced in my own health. This disappointment set me on a journey to discover a bit more about the human body, a quest that lead me into the world of functional medicine. Now my true passion and health conviction. I love coming alongside others and leading them on their own health journey!

hi, i'm tay

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

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are you experiencing...

Low Energy Levels

Digestive Issues

Impaired Immune Health

Brain Fog

Chronic Health Issues


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